
Arc Browser on Windows

I got an email to try out the Beta of Arc Browser for Windows. After all the hype and FOMO, I finally get to try it out.

The install process was smooth and the browser launched soon afterwards. I created an account and I was in. Vertical tabs, all of Chrome extensions, split screen, I was IN. Until Kaspersky, my Antivirus/AntiSpyware/Internet Security software asked if I wanted to grant Arc permission to use the camera, to which I declined.

The next thing I saw was Kaspersky had terminated all processes belonging to Arc.exe and finished up by deleting all the files created by The Browser Company.

That was it. That was the end of my experience with Arc on Windows. I'm not sure why Kaspersky behaved this way, I've never seen this kind of behaviour before. Is there a registry of known good software for Windows that Arc is not in? Is there a way to whitelist Arc? So many questions, please send answers.

#arc browser #windows