
Bookmarking in 2024

I read, running a billion dollar business today and I liked it so much, I wanted to save it so that I can refer to it at another time. Btw, actually going back to refer to something I had saved does not happen very often, if ever.

I remember a one-man bookmarking site but for the life of me, I couldn't remember its name. I did a search for 'social bookmarking sites' and it wasn't on the list of results, it was not in the Wikipedia entry for, list of social bookmarking sites; not even on the list of defunct bookmarking sites. Then I remembered I was doing research in this space not so long ago, so I fired up Simplenote and searched for bookmark and there it was, Raindrop.

I wonder how many people still use bookmarking apps or websites. I have a Pocket account but never use it. I was big into until it was bought by Pinboard and shutdown. I exported all my bookmarks to Raindrop at the time. I used Flipboard when it first came out but not so much since.

What's the appeal of bookmarking sites in 2024? Are they still relevant? How do people manage and organise information today? Social media sites don't really replicate the functionality of Bookmarking sites. has a bookmark feature that stores the pages so even if it goes down, they always save a local copy. But how many people really use it?

How are you managing links and bookmarks?
