
Choosing a Framework

I'm doing some research for what we are currently calling Brief and I need to decide what to build it on. Today you are spoiled for choice for this kind of thing as there are a plethora of choices with their tradeoffs.

A simple search for backend frameworks yield the usual suspects. There is

In the JavaScript ecosystem you have even more options; there's Fresh, Next, Nuxt and SvelteKit are quite popular.

Considering Laravel

PHP is the essential web language and Laravel with its great tools and passionate following, has elevated development in the language, making it enjoyable. Love it or hate it, PHP is not going anywhere. When paired with Inertiajs it becomes a powerful tool for building modern web applications. PHP has the advantage of having excellent documentation, hosting is cheap and ubiquitous, it's boring and old so no matter what you're doing, you won't be the first and there are already solutions to your present and future problems.

What About Go?

Go is a pretty good option. It is simple, fast, performant. It's great for web apps and creating low-level tools. It has a simple core, easy to pick up and get started with. Gin and Fiber are great web frameworks to build with, although Fiber has be around longer than Gin. I'm not familiar with Go, have not written anything int he language but from what I've heard it's like Chess; easy to learn but difficult to master.

What I ultimately choose depends on how easy it is to set up on my machine and how much hosting this thing will cost. At this moment I'm still not certain but Go is really tempting.