
It's been done before but do it anyway

I'm writing this post so that next time my mind tells me not to work on something because it's already been done like a million times, I will ignore that voice and work on it anyway.

There's a 63-year-old Japanese App Developer, Hiroyuki Ueda, who created a calculator app. The only difference between his app and the other millions of calculator apps out there was that his had two calculators side by side, and you can move calculations from one calculator to the other. That's it, that's the app.

Calculator apps are like the hello world of app development but one subtle change made his app useful and earned him ca$h.

Many times we are looking for greenfield ideas, to be the first to create something that didn't exist before but there is still room to innovate in the most trivial of applications.

This tweet from James Clear (Author of Atomic Habits) supports this argument with a vital addition; quality.

If you want to create something but feel it has already been done 1000 times, remember: There is always room for quality.

#app development