
I Want Stellar

I've shipped four issues of Links by Friday, my weekly link post. I don't know why it always sound like a good idea in my head but when I do it, it suddenly is not such a great idea. Even with the rule that it doesn't have to be regular, I still find myself racing to push out an issue. Why do I do this?

I've discovered that I don't write anymore because I'm collecting links to publish on Friday. What I want is something that has less friction. What I really want is Stellar, so that when I like a post on Threads or Mastodon or a YouTube video, it's populated somewhere effortlessly. Let's call it Astra.

Hello Astra

What will it take to build something like this?

  1. It will need a way to talk to all these social networks via and API or federation. Astra will have to listen to your activity and save your posts.
  2. Storage in a database.
  3. Authentication.
  4. RSS Feed.

I love the personal web so for now, no social features: no comments, no following/follower.

Please tell me something like this already exists so I don't have to waste my time.