
May updates - bearblog, hej, random words

Bearblog updates

So I noticed bearblog now has an analytics page which is cool or depressing. I also ui updates to the post entry page. It's looking quite polished while maintaining it's minimal styling aesthetic.

Working on Hej

I am still working on Hej, my 11ty starter. It is taking longer than it should. I see videos of people doing an 11ty blog in 3 minutes and it is kind of easy to do but I guess I want to understand a big more what I am doing instead of just copying and pasting code. So it's taking a little longer.

The process of creating the site, first on codepen then locally has been quite interesting, the things you will learn. I want to get it over with so that I can do another one. It has been quite difficult because where I live we have unpredictable power supply so I have to take my laptop to the office, charge it there and bring it back home, work on it or fool around until 10 something when I go to sleep. So yeah it has been slow.

Random update

I opened my laptop today to change the thermal paste. It was not the first time I'm opening my laptop but definitely the first time changing the thermal paste. It was not hard or anything and the only reason I opened it was I noticed the fan ran for simple tasks like having Brave open with a few tabs. That's not a significant load on this 6th gen i5 U-series processor.

That's it.