
Personal Media

I've been interested lately in aggregating information. I've been using Vore for RSS and have come to love curating my own personal stream of information, kind of like having a twitter feed without the noise, or a personal hackernews feed without the comments.

I remember, a service by Jason Kottke which aggregated your likes across services like Twitter/X, and Flickr, Vimeo and YouTube. It helped you see what your friends find most interesting and served as another layer of filter. On stellar, you can also see who else has favourited an item and visit their feed.

What I particularly like about this is how you side step the worst parts of social networks these days. Since you are not actively posting on Stellar, and there's no comment system, it's kind of like RSS in a way.

I mentioned Vore, my current minimal RSS reader. What I love about RSS is, you choose the content you want to show up in your reader. It's just websites, and I've consciously followed personal websites not huge corporations or news sites. Vore is designed to be extremely minimal so that there's no social features. No likes, no comments, no follow friends, just a personal feed.

More and more I am gravitating to this kind of services that provide personal utility without being overly social. If you want to go crazy, an aggregated feed like Stellar with minimal social interaction will do.