
Quick update: Hej theme and learning japanese

Here's a quick update of what's happening recently.

Hej theme

I'm working on a simple 11ty theme called Hej that models the Hey WordPress theme. It's a Work In Progress (WIP) but you can see my initial effort on it in this codepen. Since then I've taken it to my computer and have been working on it locally.

It has been quite interesting working on this, it's such a simple layout but I have learned a ton just working on it. Once it's finished I will have it on Github.

Learning Japanese.

I'm still learning Japanese on Duolingo. I've been consistent for over 100 days and counting. I've also used other apps in addition to Duolingo to help me get more practice. I use mochimochi and bunpo. You can get them in the App Store and Play Store.


I started watching Demon Slayer Anime and I like it a lot. Currently in the Swordsmith Village arc.

I also watched Antman: Quantomania. It was ok.
